Paul Morley
glow. The diversity of contemporary rock "*#tlkling8"(the New Pop, the'distorted disco' music, the new breed of economic electronic exponents) that all developed from punk is vast and exciting - so how can punk have failed? If you expect to pay a quid for your albums or pay nothing to see musicians, then it probably has. In Britain, though, things have changed at all levels and will continue to do so. Rock - commercial, creative, critical;
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It is, of course, the birth of rock & roll.
Hyperbole: A figure of rhetoric whereby the
more than the truth, in order to produce a hence, an exaggeration.
speaker expresses vivid impression;
(Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1950)
The first time I heard Bob Dylan, I was in the car with
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(Bruce Springsteen, ]anuary 7988.)
We're back to 6Like A Rolling Stone' again. The road to Damascus approacb to rock writing represents one of the greatest cballenges to wottld-be exponents of Rockspeak. In the rock world, byperbole rarely produces 'more tban the trutb'. So bow exactly does one convey the impact of seeing the Velvet Underground live with the EPI (Ricbard Goldstein), watcbing the Rolling Stones' American TV debut on the Ed Sullivan Show (Patti Smitb), or bearing 'Pretty Vacant' (Roy Carr), Marquee Moon (Nicle Kent) or Horses (Cbarles Sbaar Murray) tbat.f rst timel
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